My Mom’s Message to You: Do it Now

Actions speak louder than words.

But, sometimes, we need a delicious string of words to move us to action.

My mom was a master of words. In life – and even in her death. A few days after she passed away when I was still a child, I found these words – typed by her – on a tiny piece of paper in her purse.

I shall pass through this world but once. If, therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do, let me do it now. Let me not defer it. For I shall not pass this way again.

I was convinced that Mom left that quote for me. A roadmap, of sorts, for living the rest of my life without her. And I’ve carried that tiny piece of paper with me through the last forty years of my own life journey, letting it guide me, direct me and – most importantly – remind me of the obligation I have each and every day to impact others in a positive way.

Let me do it now.

So consider this as a reminder from my mom to you. And you can start today. Now. By helping a child receive a life-saving vaccination. You can do so in with less than a minute of your time.


Okay is Okay. And it Makes You a Happier Parent.


Kid Connection Tip: Self-Worth – For You and the Kids